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作者: 时间:2010-09-20 01:49:41 阅读:

  attaching button and buttonhole tape: 缝合钮扣和钮孔垫带

  attaching button: 缝钮扣

  animal bone button,animal horn button: 动物骨钮扣

  angular 2 hole button: 角形双眼钮扣

  bakelite button: 电木钮扣

  Bar button:杆状钮扣

  Blazer button:外衣式大钮扣

  brass button nickelled: 镀镍铜钮扣


  Buttonless: 没有钮扣的

  button knot: 扣结,钮扣结

  button with prismatic shank: 棱柱柄钮扣

  button mo(u)ld: 包钮扣芯

  button sew: 钉钮扣

  buttonstick: 钮扣垫板

  button strip: 钮扣加固带

  Button fastening/ Button sewing/fastener attaching:钉钮扣

  buttonhole scissors,buttonhole cutter: 开钮扣剪刀

  button hook: 钮扣钩

  Button tray:钮扣盘

  button-through: (衣服)从上到下都有钮扣(的)

  button wrap: (同button stand)扣位,钮扣座;叠门,搭门,钮扣搭门

  Button-down collar:领尖钉有钮扣的领子,扣结领

  Button-down skirt:前开襟有钮扣的裙子


  buttonhole and button closing: 带钮孔和钮扣的门襟

  bouton D'orelle[:法]钮扣型耳环

  button grip: 钮扣夹

  button opening: 钮扣开门

  button tension test



  Clasp coat:抱合式大衣[女式无钮扣,用手抱合]

  crocheted button: 钩编钮扣

  Coat dress:开襟明钮女式长服,外套式连裙装,开襟(钮扣式)连衣裙,(从领口到下摆有一排扣子的)女式紧式外衣,外套式连裙装

  Cuff button:袖口钮扣

  cheese plate: 大的钮扣

  dot button: 打点钮扣

  Elastic braid with button hole:带钮扣眼的松紧带

  Eye button hole:圆头钮扣孔

  eyelet button: 鸽眼钮扣

  evelet shank button: 带孔钮柄钮扣

  Four-hole button:四孔钮扣

  fastening machine: 钉扣(按钮,钮扣等)机

  frogging: 纺锤形钮扣

  garment closure: 钮扣,拉链

  gripper fastener:(夹钉在衣服上的)大揿钮按扣



  Haberdasher: 经营衬衣、帽子、领带、短袜、手套等的)男子服饰用品商(美国);(经营钮扣、针线、缎带等的)零星服饰用品商(英国)

  heavy duty boot: (结实带钩扣的)厚重耐用靴

  hook and eye tape: 钩眼钮扣带

  horn button: 角制钮扣

  huge button: 大型钮扣

  lacto button: 合成树脂钮扣

  leather nub: 包皮钮扣

  metal button: 金属钮扣

  mini button: 迷你钮扣

  mother pearl button: 贝壳钮扣

  Matching button:配色钮扣

  missing button: 错用钮扣

  Newbury coat:纽贝里外衣[单排钮扣]

  overcoat button: 大衣钮扣,有柄钮扣

  Pearl button:波状钮扣,珍珠扣,贝壳钮扣

  Pearly: 贝壳钮扣,珍珠钮扣;用珍珠装饰的

  Pearlies: 贝壳钮扣,珍珠钮扣;有贝壳钮扣的服装

  Polyester button:聚酯钮扣[塑料扣]

  polyester pearlized button: 聚酯仿珠钮扣

  popular button: 流行钮扣

  remove buttons: 除去钮扣洗涤(洗衣机用语)

  Removable cuff:开衩式西服袖口[有一颗钮扣可以扣住或松开]

  reinforcing button: 加固钮扣

  spare button: 备用钮扣

  single-breasted: (上衣等)单排钮扣的

  single buttoned: 单边钮扣

  self-shank button: 单柄钮扣

  security of metallics buttons, rivets, ets. : 金属钮扣、铆钮的紧固试验

  S.B.(single breast): 单排钮扣

  staghorn button: 鹿角钮扣

  Stranding thread:上蜡亚麻线[锁钮扣眼用]

  Tailor's trimming:服装附件[如带子、钮扣等的总称]

  Toggle button:套环钮扣;棒形钮扣

  two-hole button: 两眼钮扣



  shank wrap: 缠钮扣把

  short shank button: 短柄钮扣

  synthetic resin button: 合成树脂钮扣

  vest button: 背心钮扣

  unbutton: 不扣上钮扣;解开钮扣

  nut button: 果壳钮扣

  X-ligne button: X号钮扣

  wire shank button: 金属柄钮扣
